Hackers Elite

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How to get in-app purchases for free in Android

In this post i will teach you how to get in-app purchases for free in Android device. There are paid apps, that you need to pay before you download it. But there are apps which is free to download, but in game there are some things that you can buy with real money, or activate to...Read more

Hackers Dictionary

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If you are a newbie in hacking then you need to learn some things. There are some terms that every hacker should know about them. Some words and abbreviations that you should know. Some words you need to know about Algorithm - A series of steps specifying which actions to take...Read more

Change Processor Name Permanently

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There are a way to change your computer CPU name from Properties of it. So you can prank with friends with this trick. Change the name to whatever you want and make a dream computer for your friends. No need to download any software, we can do that all without any third party software. 1)...Read more

Speed Up Internet Connection using DNS

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In previous post i posted the best solutions to speed up your internet connection. And visitors find it useful and post helped them a lot. So in this post i will show you another way to speed up internet connection using DNS. 1. Right click on small network icon at bottom of right...Read more

The Bluetooth History and Name

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Nowadays anybody know about Bluetooth. But i think after some years it will be out of date, because NFC comes to change it. But still Bluetooth is really important part of our device. So ever you interested about Bluetooth, why its called Bluetooth? The story of Bluetooth. If no...Read more

Soccer World Cup related Websites Hacked

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Anonymous promised cyber-attack on World Cup Sponsors. They kicked offline earlier this week include World Cup sponsor Hyundai and government state Mato Grosso.  "We had a busy last few days and there is more still to come," a hacker who calls himself Che Commodore and...Read more

Group of Hackers Anonymous plan Cyber-Attack on World Cup Sponsors

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Group of Hackers Anonymous plan cyber-attack on FIFA world cup 2014 sponsors. As they say meaning of this cyber attack is to protest the lavish spending on the soccer games in a country struggling to provide basic services. “We have a plan of attack,” Commodore told the agency...Read more
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