Get 1 TB virtual store for Free

I think that you know about Virtual Store. Virtual Store is the same you have a USB flash drive and you can add files on it and move that files from one computer to another. There are and Virtual USB, which called as Virtual Store such as Google Drive, DropBox, One Drive, Yandex Disk etc. And as usual they give you maximum 50 GB space fr free and if you want to have a more space you should pay for that. And in this post i will show you how to get 1 TB Virtual Store for free. 

1. Visit this website and Sign up. Use Google Translate, because that website is in russian, just put the link in Translate.

2. Now when you already have account on that website, now go to this page and do next as in picture below.

3. And now you have a 100GB virtual space, but we upgrade it to 1 TB for free. Install oblako program on your computer, or on smartphone.
4. To install it just from left side press on the download button as in picture below.

5. Now after download finished, you need to install it. Program is in English.
6. Now open that program, and you need to type in your login and password, you just create in step 1.

7. Now in next you will see this, look at picture below.

8. And now you can go to website link we gave you on step 2. And sign in to your account. You will be see that you have a 1 TB virtual space for free. But you need to do this fast, because this will works until 1/20/2014. But you still can get 100 GB free space.

9. And to upload files you need to do next. Go to website we gave you on step 2, and do as in picture down.

10. And after that in new window choose that file from computer you want to upload.


  1. Replies
    1. No it's out of date. But still you can get 100 GB virtual space with registering in that website.
