Anonymous-OS: Download and installation progress

Anonymous-OS is a special operating system for hackers, which is based on Linux operating system. In this OS you can find a lot of hacking tools. To install this OS on your computer you need to download VirtualBox and install it on your computer. And after that download Anonymous-OS installation file with torrent client such as BitTorrent, uTorrent.
After we downloaded installation file we can start the installation process.
Open VirtualBox, and from left side press on New button.

In new opened small window type OS name ( for example Anonymous-OS ). Type set as LinuxVersion set as Ubuntu. Press on the Next button.

Then select the amount of RAM that you want to use for this OS ( minimum 512 MB of RAM )

In next step you need to choose create a virtual hard drive now and press on the Create button. After that select VDI ( virtualbox disk image ) , press Next and at this time choose Dynamically allocated and again press Next. So now we need to choose installation folder for this op.system and set the limit size ( Minimum 4 GB ) and press on Create button.

And after that we can start op.system by choosing op.system from list and pressing on the Start button.

In new opened window we need to select optical disk drive( that installation iso file of OS ) and simply press on the start button.

Now we need to configure some settings. Choose live - boot the Live System and hit enter.

So after you need to enter the password. 
Password: anon
Write password and hit enter.

And we can see the fantastic screen with fantastic hacking tools.

I hope you like it. Its really amazing OS for hackers and i hope you enjoy it. So make sure you share it with your friends. Add your questions in comment section below and we try to help you as soon as possible. Have a luck!


  1. Can you confirm that this is virus free and that it does come embedded with various features that can allow me to mask my IP and MAC addresses?

    Does the software also allow me to create VPNs and also to surf and communicate anonymously?.

    I am familiar with the TOR network and found this to be quite useful for me in the past and am wondering if this software has the same or similar features embedded in it.

    Pardon me for being pretty n00b on this, but any heads up and information would be greatly appreciated,



    1. This OS is created from Anonymous group of hackers. And they officially post on their twitter that they create OS special for Anonymous brothers and sisters, which based on Linux op.system. This OS full of hacking tools. And is contains a TOR, as you say , you use that, then with this OS is come installed. I hope you understand all and that's it!

  2. can its application/software compatible with those on windows? like .exe,etc

    1. This OS is based on Linux operating system. And in this post as you see we install on special program, virtual machine.If you want to open exe file in Linux, so there are some programs for Linux that able you to open exe format files.

  3. Link is not working for virtualbox it says "connection reset".

    1. No links are working great! Is adf links, if you are from india then read this post how to open adf links in india else try to open that links with another browser -->>

  4. there is no iso file in download folder can you help me

    1. First you download torrent file, after that you need to open it with torrent client such as bittorrent or utorrent. And that time your iso file downloaded into your computer.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. sir mikael. can you teach me how to hack? message me in my google. account. im a newbie. and i also want to try this OS but i don't know anyhting about hacking

    2. That;s not easy. And not the same 2+2. You need to learn, long time and more power. You can start with reading hacking eBooks. Get that eBooks for free from here.

    3. Mikael Sir Im not able To download Virtul box properly and even that os also i am not able to Install proeprly please help

    4. Which part exactly dear Alihussain. Tell what kind of error you get or ever you don't able to install it or do something.

  6. When i try to open virtualbox its says that he cant find it please help me.

  7. wont open os file only vdi

    1. It was and iso file, you just better look at steps, and see how you need to install it!

  8. Where can I get a guide to how to use it after install it?

  9. FATAL: NO bootable medium found ! system halted .

    what ???

  10. where is .vdi file link in this page.....

    1. There is no vdi file, you need to download iso file and install it.

  11. how long does it takes for downald

  12. Dear sir Mikael Iam havin issue wit my computer and quite can't download this application and this game moviestarplanet I play this girl scammed my bff and became a stubborn brat and I really wanted to hack her account is there any way you can hack into it and giveme the password or send the password to her account is #Pastella reply asap thanks for reading :D and tysm if you do so.

  13. this os starting in Spanish language and asking user name and password

    1. i have already added the username and password in post!

  14. can install this os on my HDD.. !
    any solution for that ?

  15. it is real Os from Anonymous or fake ?

  16. hi I;m a Computer Science student. i don't have an linux machine. how can i use this OS on my windows ? i do have iso file
