Clean computer from junk files

When you format your computer its start work very fast. But after some time its start working slow. Because after you install some programs, games or browse on network and that all are creating junk files on your computer storage. You need to clean that files of course. And in this post i will show you how we can completely clean computer from junk files.

How to disable third party autorun programs in your computer

1. Download this software and install it on your computer.

License keys of this programs for free

2. Open that program. At first run of program you need to configure some cookie settings. In pop out window press on the Yes ( recommended ) button.
3. From Windows and Application tabs choose which junk files you want to clean. You can see names of software installed on your computer. Yeah of course when you work with programs they create a junk files too. Make sure you uncheck important for you things such as saved passwords on your browser.

4. And after you already have given settings just press on Run Cleaner button, and its start clean process.

That's it. You will be see that its start work now fast as first time.

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