eBook: How to become a hacker. From zero to hero

Want to become a real hacker. But you don't know nothing about hacking. That's not a problem, i'll give you a special eBook. To become a hacker from zero to Hero. 

                                                                                                     Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


  1. ahmm i cant read the .chm files when i open it it shows only blank pages an when i extrac auerbach pdf it says that i need some volume and try inserting a disk.

    1. Hmm.. Install Adobe reader, if you have, then make sure its updated to the latest version.

    2. I've already installed the latest Adobe reader but still can't read the .chm files and extract the last pdf book.

  2. sir i made a solution already to open it. i've downloaded a chm reader. thumbs up for this post!

    1. I don't know why u have a problem like that, i can open that files without any problem, and pdf files u need to open with Adobe Reader. So that's good, your problems fixed!
