How To Disable Facebook’s “Message Seen” Feature

In this post i'll show you how to disable message seen setting from your Facebook account.

Disable Facebook’s “Message Seen” feature for chrome. 
1. Add this extension to chrome browser.
2. Then go to settings->Tools->Extensions
3. You will get the list of extensions which you have installed in chrome, choose the options for FB UNSEEN and configure the extension.

Disable Facebook’s “Message Seen” feature for firefox.
1. Add this extension to Firefox browser.
2.Now look at bottom of your browser. Then click on the ABP logo which will be present at bottom of your Firefox browser. Click on the ABP logo and select Filter Preferences.
3.Go to Custom Filters tab and click on the Add filter group button. Give a name to that group. Click on the Actions button and select Show/hide filters. 
4. Click on the Add Filter button on the panel at right side. And paste in text given below.


Disable Facebook’s “Message Seen” feature for all browsers
In this method we just install a special software and open it. After that its automatically disable that feature in Facebook.
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