How to Install BackTrack on computer

In previous post we talked about BackTrack OS. What is that and where we can use it. In this post i'll show you how to install BackTrack OS on computer as virtual machine. For that we need to download VirtualBox and install it. We need to download BackTrack installation file with torrent client such as BitTorrent, uTorrent. 
After we downloaded installation file we can start the installation process.
Open VirtualBox, and from left side press on New button. 
In new opened small window type OS name ( for example BackTrack 5 R3 ). Type set as Linux. Version set as Ubuntu. Press on the Next button.

Then select the amount of RAM that you want to use for this OS ( minimum 1 GB of RAM )

And In next step you need to choose create a virtual hard drive now and press on the Create button. After that select VDI ( virtualbox disk image ) , press Next and at this time choose Dynamically allocated and again press Next. So now we need to choose installation folder for this op.system and set the limit size ( Minimum 25 GB ) and press on Create button.

And after that we can start op.system by choosing op.system from list and by pressing the Start button.

In new opened window we need to select optical disk drive( that installation iso file of OS ) and simply press on the start button.

Now if you see same screen as in picture below, hit Enter.

In next step select BackTack Text - Default Boot Text Mode line and again hit Enter.

After files loading process finished type startx and hit Enter.

Now BackTrack ready, but that's not all, we still need to do some things. For first we need to press on the Install BackTrack icon on Desktop.

Now in new window you need to configure OS settings such as language, time zone etc. You can skip 3-6 steps just by pressing on the forward button. Now when you already configured OS, you need to wait after its complete the loading process. And after its finished simply press on the Restart Now button.

After its restarted you need to enter username and password.
username: root
password: toor
After you fill information you need to type startx command and just simply hit Enter.
OS installation fully completed, but we need to update it and his components. 
At top bar you can see terminal, icon similar to command prompt. Just press on that icon.

After that type in terminal apt-get update command and hit Enter. After its complete we need to type next command apt-get upgrade -y and again hit Enter. This process can take a long time, so you need to wait.
After its finished installing updates we need to type last command msfupdate and hit Enter. We need to wait little time. After this all completed successfully we can close the terminal and restart the machine. 
Stay tuned for more BackTrack tutorials. We have a lot of work still.

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