How to Delete autorun.inf and virus infected files from computer

In previous post we talked about how to remove shortcut viruses from flash drive. We remove that virus completely, and now in this post learn how to remove autorun.inf virus.

1. Press Windows+R combination key to open Run box. And type CMDhit enter to open command prompt window. 
2. Navigate to the drive from where you want to delete unnecessary virus infected files by typing Drive letter such as C: 
3. Enter command given bellow to remove the virus from computer or from flash drive.

attrib a*.inf -r -a -s -h

4. And remove autorun.inf by command given below.

del autorun.inf

5. You can run these command for multiple drives, just create the batch file for your convenience. For that, just open Notepad, copy and paste below code into it. Change the drive letter with the one your system have. For multiple drives, just paste the same code one after another but with different drive letters.

attrib a*.inf -r -a -s -h autorun.inf
del autorun.inf
attrib a*.inf -r -a -s -h autorun.inf
del autorun.inf

Change C: and D: with any drive letter you want. And from File menu of notepad choose Save as and save file with name virusclean.bat. Now just open that bat file and done!

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