ProtonMail: New encrypted email service, which keep our information privately

As you know all famous internet organizations, i mean social networks, email services they are not secure for users. Because all your information is not private. They sell your information to spying organisations. Nowadays stay privately using social networks is not possible thing. But of course people don't want that their messages, emails have an access other people.
In response, a group of young developers at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) has launched a new email service which offers end-to-end encryption and securing communications that could put an end to government snooping and will keep away our personal data from prying eyes.
This is a encrypted service, called ProtonMail. It encrypts the data on the browser before it communicates with the server, therefore only encrypted data is stored in the email service servers. So, even if someone gains complete access to the server, it will find only the encrypted data.
The company is based in Switzerland, so it won't have to comply with American courts’ demands to provide users data. In worst case, if a Swiss court ordered to provide data, they can get only the heaps of encrypted data as ProtonMail doesn’t store the encryption keys.
The Team is working in Android and iOS apps, to make it able on your phone and tablets.
ProtonMail is currently free service.

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