Group of Hackers Anonymous plan Cyber-Attack on World Cup Sponsors

Group of Hackers Anonymous plan cyber-attack on FIFA world cup 2014 sponsors. As they say meaning of this cyber attack is to protest the lavish spending on the soccer games in a country struggling to provide basic services.

“We have a plan of attack,” Commodore told the agency “We have already conducted late-night tests to see which of the sites are more vulnerable… This time we are targeting the sponsors of the World Cup.”

"This time we are targeting the sponsors of the World Cup," he said in a Skype conversation from an undisclosed location in Brazil. Asked to name the potential targets he mentioned Adidas, Emirates airline, the Coca-Cola Co and Budweiser.

Commodore said the hacker AnonManifest used a Trojan virus to get into the Foreign Ministry’s databases and steal the email accounts of several diplomats.

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