How to Hack Facebook with Phishing Attack

In previous post we already talked about what is Phishing, how we can use it and for what is that. And now really time come to learn how we can hack Facebook accounts using Phishing attack. 

1. Download Facebook Phishing page files.
2. Now go to this free hosting website and create an account. Ar registration time choose free subdomain and write something in text box.
3. After that check your mailbox you will received a mail with verification link. 
4. After you clicked on that verification link, you will be redirected to that hosting page.
5. Under Action tab press on the Refresh Status and after that press on the Go TO CPanel button.

6. And now little scroll down find and choose File manager.

7. Now in new opened tab you need to enter password of your this web hosting account, enter it and press on Continue button.
8. Now go to public_html folder and delete default.php file.
9. After you delete file, press on the Upload button.
10. In new screen you need to press on the Browse button from right side and choose that zip archive you already download in step 1. And definitely press on the green button.

11. Now you need to send phishing link to victim. Which you entered at registration time. You can find it from CPanel page at right side.
12. But make that link shorten to not detect as SPAM. We already talked about how we can shorten links with URL shorteners.
13. After victim open a link and enter his/her login and password you can get it.
14. Go to that webhosting and login to your account. Go to CPanel and after that File Manager. Go to public_html folder and click on log.txt file name. Download that text document and open it!

Now your done! You have hacked Facebook account using Phishing Attack.

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