New Skype Translator to Break down language Barriers

Skype is very important thing nowadays. Because its help people to communicate from different places. If your friend, familiar person so far away from you and you miss him/her and want to listen his/her voice and see, then you just call him via Skype. Its give you a chance to get friends from different countries. People speak on Skype by different languages, and that's a problem, that they don't understand each other. Its too difficult to speak with person who speak in different language. You need to use translator or explain with emotions. 
Soon Skype become with a new function. Skype app will synchronized translate video calls. Two part of video call can speak in their native language and listen partner.
About this report Satya Nadella, General Manager of Skype.
In this project Microsoft team works about 10 years. And definitely they have done this with Skype team together.

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