Fix Audio on BackTrack 5

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In previous post we Fix audio driver in Kali Linux. Is the same with BackTrack OS. Computer start with muted sound. And that's really terrible thing. You change settings from Sound preferences but again same. BackTrack start without sound. And now in this post i'll show you how to fix that problem, let's do that.

1. In BackTrack at top panel, from System menu go to Preferences and choose Startup Applications.

2. Now in new opened window press on the Add button.
3. Now in new opened small window at first textbox type Audio, second textbox /usr/bin/pulseaudio and last in textbox type Start Audio Driver and press on Save button.

4. And after that make sure is active ( checked ) and press in close button and reboot your machine.

After your machine rebooted you can see the result, Volume is not muted and working perfect.

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